We are in an age where most of the consumer propositions are making plans to move from Web and Mobile to Mobile Only.
This movement has been from last 2 years only. Before there are few propositions which started as Mobile Only and move to Mobile and Web. Before that, say 8 years ago, there are Web Only as mobile was not much existent.
So, the technology development for consumer propositions has moved from Web to Mobile. Companies start building mobile for consumer and now we have many companies giving numbers mentioning their mobile traffic crossed web traffic.
Within mobile there is always Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web. For last few years Mobile Apps was the answer and still is, and the challenge of Mobile Apps vs Mobile Web hasnt not closed yet. Later came the challenge within Native Apps vs HTML5 Apps, where Native Apps leads over HTML5 though the debate continues.
Now that Native Apps are leading over HTML5 Apps, Mobile Web and Web, every company have started making their propositions in form of Apps, Native or Hybrid or HTML5. But research has proven that a mobile user though installs apps, the person’s span of activeness limits to around 15 apps. Now, the millions of apps are competing to be in that 15-20 active apps. Advertisers are making their money pitching dream numbers of installations to App Owners.